Matching Gifts
Double, or even triple, the value of your contribution to WMS at no cost to you!
Did you know that many companies will match charitable contributions made by their employees, and may even retirees, board members and/or spouses? In most cases, companies match contributions dollar for dollar, but matches can vary. Check your company's matching guidelines. Employer matching gifts increase the impact of your personal support!
To find out if your employer matches gifts, use the search below:
Once you locate your company using the search above, follow the instructions in the search results. When WMS verifies your gift, if all of your company's matching gift guidelines are met, they will issue the matching funds to WMS.
Note: If your company does make a matching contribution, but does not appear the search results, let us know.
We are glad to help you with this process in any way that we can! Please contact for assistance!