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Elementary (Grades 1-6)

WMS's elementary curriculum blends best practices from current educational research with tried and true Montessori techniques. 

WMS Elementary Programs

The program focuses on the development of the whole child with an increased emphasis on academics. Mixed-age groupings - classes are separated into ages 6-9 (first through third grade) and 9-12 (fourth through sixth grade) - and a wide range in levels of materials available provides challenges for even the most academically able student and support a variety of learning styles. 

​​​Students may work independently, in pairs or in small groups, as the task requires. This individualized approach meets each student's academic needs while developing his or her organization and concentration skills. Students learn to use their time and classroom resources wisely. 

Learn how the Montessori Elementary years—ages 6 through 12—prepare children intellectually, emotionally and socially to navigate the next stage of their education.

Elementary Program News