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Family Cooperative ("Co-op") Program

LEGO League Parent Co-op

From the very beginning of Wilmington Montessori School, family involvement and support have guided our school. The WMS Family Co-op Program ("Co-op") allows our entire community to benefit from the abundant talents and interests of our families. Co-op provides a unique learning experience for our children, cultivating a real sense of community and giving parents and other family members the opportunity to work with teachers and meet other families while making a very real contribution to the school. When children see the adults in their lives active in their school, it shapes their perception of the importance of education and strengthens their school experience.

Each family commits to 25 volunteer hours each year of enrollment. Whether sharing a professional skill, serving on a committee or as a board member, or coordinating tasks to assist in the classroom, family involvement is an essential element to the WMS community. WMS's Co-op Program enhances each child's experience in the school by creating a "village" of support that includes many caring adults in the child's life and also allows for everyone to participate in important work at the school.