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Bloomz Logo

Bloomz serves as WMS's primary tool for teachers to share information and media with all parents within a class. When your child is enrolled at WMS, you will receive an email invitation to connect to your child via Bloomz. Your login information will remain the same for the duration of your time at WMS.

Accessing Bloomz:
You can access WMS's Bloomz site by logging in at www.bloomz.net
Mobile apps are also available for iOS and Android.

In order to prevent missing important information, we highly recommend that you set up notifications through Bloomz. To do this, log into your account, click "Settings" at the bottom of the sidebar on the left, then select "Account Settings," followed by "Notifications." 

From there, you can select email or Push notifications (if you have downloaded the app) and choose from a variety of options. At minimum, we recommend turning on the following notifications:

  • Posts & Announcements
  • Invitations
  • Reminders

Missed Messages (You can also select "Quiet Hours" with the notifications panel so turn off notifications during specific times.)

If you have difficulty using Bloomz, please contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Marketing & Communications.