Wilmington Montessori, Inc. Amended and Restated Bylaws
Adopted by the Wilmington Montessori Board of Directors on and made effective as of March 11, 2020
Section 1.0: Purpose
Wilmington Montessori School, Inc. (hereafter “WMS”), incorporated in 1964, is organized exclusively for educational purposes and operates as a not-for-profit enterprise. It shall be the policy of the Board of Trustees and the school to conduct itself as a reputable business, institution and independent school.
Wilmington Montessori School aims to provide a vibrant and engaging learning environment based on the teachings of Dr. Maria Montessori that supports all students’ academic excellence and their ability to become empowered, creative, lifelong learners responsible for themselves, their community and their environment.
Section 1.1: Amendment
Any provision of these Bylaws may be amended or repealed by the Board of Directors (defined in Section 3.0) upon a Board supermajority resolution (defined in Section 3.6.2), provided that any proposal for such amendment or repeal shall be discussed or read during at least one meeting prior to the meeting at which the Board acts on the proposal.
- Section 2.0: Classes of Members
- Section 2.1: In Good Standing
- Section 2.2: Loss of Membership
- Section 2.3: Annual Membership Meeting
- Section 2.4: Special Membership Meeting
- Section 2.5: Membership Quorum
- Section 2.6: Meeting Notice
- Section 2.7: Membership Actions
Section 2.0: Classes of Members
The members of WMS (individually, a “Member” and collectively, the “Membership”) shall consist of voting Parent Members and voting Non-Parent Members. The Board may create or grant additional classes of members by Board majority resolution (defined in Section 3.6.2). The Board may revise, suspend or terminate any class of membership other than that of parent member.
i. Parent Member: Each person that has a child (“Student”) attending WMS shall immediately become a Member. Membership shall be maintained so long as the student is enrolled in WMS and the person is in “good standing” (defined in Section 2.1).
ii. Non-Parent Member: (a) Each Director who is not a Parent Member for so long as said Director remains a duly appointed or elected member in good standing of the Board of Directors; and (b) any other person that does not have a student attending the school and has been granted membership by board majority resolution, for so long as the person is in “good standing” and in compliance with any conditions and terms adopted by board majority resolution.
Members (by submitted ballot or proxy) are entitled to one vote per family. In addition, if two or more Members (e.g., two Parent Members, two Non-Parent Members, or one Parent Member and one Non-Parent Member) are part of the same household then all Members collectively shall have a single vote on matters to be voted by the Membership.
Section 2.1: In Good Standing
During any period that a Member is not “in good standing”, they, automatically without the necessity of any further action, shall not have any member benefits or ability to exercise any member rights. To be “in good standing,” a Member must meet and maintain satisfaction of the applicable member qualifications (including the below qualifications) as Board may determine from time to time.
i. Financial Compliance: Members shall not have any overdue or unsatisfied agreements, obligations, payments or pledges owed to WMS.
ii. Cooperative Commitment: Parent Members shall agree to and comply with the Cooperative Commitment (as determined by the Board and communicated to Parent Members from time to time) as then in effect.
iii. WMS Dedication: Members shall demonstrate a sincere dedication or interest in the fulfillment of WMS’ purposes, mission, core values and strategic goals.
iv. WMS Community Participation: Members shall demonstrate a sincere commitment to being an active, contributing and positive participant in WMS of families, parents, staff, students and others.
Section 2.2: Loss of Membership
2.2.1: Resignation
A Member may resign by filing a written resignation with Secretary (defined in Section 4.3.4) However, resignation shall not relieve or remove a Member from full and timely satisfaction of all outstanding obligations, payments and pledges owed to WMS. Parent Members that no longer have a student at WMS shall be deemed to have immediately resigned as a Parent Member.
2.2.2: Termination
2.2.3: Reinstatement
A person that has lost their membership and desires to be reinstated, may seek reinstatement by (i) submitting to Secretary a signed reinstatement request including supporting information in reasonable detail, (ii) providing any additional information requested by Board and (iii) accepting in writing any reinstatement conditions and terms stipulated by Board. The Board may grant reinstatement by Board majority resolution.
Section 2.3: Annual Membership Meeting
An annual meeting of the Membership (the “Annual Membership Meeting”) shall be held no later than June 1 of each calendar year to elect Directors, receive a report on WMS’s financial condition and to address any other matters that come properly before the meeting.
The Board shall determine the details for calling and conducting each Annual Membership Meeting, including date, location, notice, agenda and other matters; provided, however, the meeting shall be held at or within 15 miles of WMS’s principal location.
Section 2.4: Special Membership Meeting
A special meeting (“Special Membership Meeting”) shall be called by the Chairperson within 30 days after action by (i) the Board upon a Board supermajority resolution (defined in Section 3.6.2) adopted upon motion of a Director, or (ii) the Members upon receipt by the Board of a written request signed by Members holding one-fourth (1/4) of eligible voting interests in WMS. The Board shall designate the time, date and place for each Special Member Meeting.
Section 2.5: Membership Quorum
2.5.1: Quorum Met
At each meeting of the Membership, those Members present in person or by proxy and presenting more than one-half (1/2) of the eligible votes shall be considered a quorum for the meeting.
If a quorum is not present at such meeting, then those Members that are in fact present in person or by proxy shall constitute a quorum for purpose of electing Directors and shall vote on the election of Directors. Any nominee on the ballot for a Director position shall be elected if they receive a “yes” vote from a majority of those Members present (whatever their number) at the first scheduled meeting and casting votes for such position.
2.5.2: Quorum Unmet
If there are noticed matters to be voted upon other than the election of Directors and a quorum does not exist to vote on such matters then, a majority of the Members present (whatever their number) at the meeting may adjourn the meeting without further notice and shall reschedule and reconvene the meeting for one week later at the same day, time and place (“the second scheduled meeting”) without any additional notice being required other than by posting at WMS’s principal office a notice of such adjournment and convention. The subsequent scheduled meeting shall be solely for voting on matters (other than the election of Directors) that were noticed on the Agenda for the first scheduled meeting. The practice of scheduling an additional meeting when a quorum is not present may continue until a satisfied quorum number is met.
Section 2.6: Meeting Notice
Written notice, including an agenda and ballot for the election of Directors, of each Annual Membership Meeting shall be given not less than 10 days nor more than 30 days before the meeting. Written notice, including an agenda of each Special Membership Meeting shall be given not less than five days nor more than 15 days before the meeting. Each written notice shall be given in accordance with Section 6.0.
Section 2.7: Membership Actions
2.7.1: Voting
Any action to be taken by the Membership (including without limitation, the election of Directors) shall be determined by a count of “yes” and “no” votes. Abstentions will be considered non-votes and will not be counted. As to the election of Directors, each Member eligible to vote shall be entitled to one vote for each Director position up for election. Cumulative voting shall not be permitted. A nominee for a Director position that receives a “yes” vote from a majority of the Member votes cast shall be elected as a Director. If a nominee for a Director position receives a “no” vote from a majority of the Member votes cast, then the Board may present to the Members additional ballot(s) and/or nominee(s) for such position.
2.7.2: Resolution
- Section 3.0: Powers of the Board
- Section 3.1: Board Size
- Section 3.2: Staggered Board
- Section 3.3: Board Committees
- Section 3.4: Director Service
- Section 3.5: Board Meetings
- Section 3.6: Conduct of Board Business
- Section 3.7: Limitations on Board
Section 3.0: Powers of the Board
Except as otherwise required by law or WMS’s Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation, the Board of Directors (the “Board”) shall manage, control, supervise and conduct the affairs, business, and property of WMS. Without affecting the generality of the foregoing, the Board shall have unqualified power to do the following as the Board desires: (i) acquire, encumber or dispose of any property, right, or privilege on such terms as Board shall determine, (ii) authorize, create, execute, perform and terminate all agreements, commitments and obligations of every kind and nature, and (iii) adopt, maintain, revise or terminate all policies, practices, processes and procedures for WMS.
Section 3.1: Board Size
The Board shall be comprised of no less than seven persons and no more than 13 persons in total. If due to resignations or other reasons, the total number of incumbent Directors drops below seven then the remaining Directors (whatever their number) shall immediately appoint sufficient new Directors to return the total Board size to at least seven. If due to mass resignations or other reasons, the total number of incumbent Directors drops to zero then the Head of School (defined in Section 4.3.5) shall immediately convene a Special Membership Meeting for the purpose of electing new Directors to return Board size to at least seven but no more than 13 Directors.
Section 3.2: Staggered Board
3.2.1: Board Classes
The Board shall be classified into three classes, each class containing one-third (1/3) of the total number of Directors to the greatest extent numerically possible. At each Annual Membership Meeting, one of the three Director classes shall stand for election. If due to resignations or other reasons, any class of Directors is below the other classes of Directors by more than one member then the Board shall transfer Directors from one class to another so as to have a properly staggered Board.
3.2.2: Term of Office
Each Director elected at an Annual Membership Meeting shall serve until the earlier of (i) the third Annual Meeting after the Annual Meeting in which the Director was elected, (ii) her/his resignation or removal; or (iii) the election or appointment of her/his successor. Any Director appointed by the Board (per a Board majority resolution) to fill a new Director slot shall be placed in a class so as to maintain the three classes described in Section 3.2.1.
Any Director appointed by the Board to fill a vacancy shall serve in the same class and for the unexpired term of their predecessor
Section 3.3: Board Committees
The Board shall have the below described standing committees (each subject to Board oversight and each comprised solely of Directors). The Board may create other committees, task forces and work groups from time to time.
i. Development Committee: Acts, advises and consults on matters, policies and procedures related to fundraising and institutional development including campaigns, donations, donor relations, endowments, foundations, gifts and grants.
ii. Finance Committee: Acts, advises and consults on matters, policies and procedures related to accounting, auditing, finance, investments, risk management and tax.
iii. Governance Committee: Acts, advises and consults on matters, policies and procedures related to governance including the appointment, conduct and election of Directors and Officers.
iv. Strategy Committee: Acts, advises and consults on matters, policies and procedures related to long-term, short-term and strategic goals for WMS, the Board and Head of School respectively and related to the Head of School position and relationship.
Each year the Board shall review and approve the Charter for each standing committee. The respective Charters for other committees, task forces and work groups shall be determined and adopted by Board at time of their respective creation. Each Charter shall set out accountabilities, deliverables, leadership, life, membership, reporting, scope and other items as determined by Board.
Section 3.4: Director Service
- 3.4.1: Director Qualifications
- 3.4.2: Staff Exclusion
- 3.4.3: Director Compensation
- 3.4.4: Director Removal
- 3.4.5: Board Vacancy
3.4.1: Director Qualifications
From time to time, the Board shall determine the elements (including requirements, vetting procedures and other items) for appointment, candidacy, election, nomination and service as a Director. Such elements may include agreement to or compliance with WMS Board Expectations and WMS Conflict Of Interest Policy (including reasonable and timely disclosure of any economic or financial relationship between Director and WMS) as they are then in effect.
3.4.2: Staff Exclusion
An employee or staff member of WMS (regardless of capacity, position, full-time, part-time or other) or a spouse, direct family member or person living in the same household as an employee or staff member, shall not be eligible for appointment, candidacy, election, nomination or service as a Director.
3.4.3: Director Compensation
3.4.4: Director Removal
Any Director(s), including all Directors, may be removed for cause by the affirmative vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the Membership entitled to vote at a Special Membership Meeting; provided, however, that each such Director whose removal is to be voted on shall receive written notice, stating the reasons for such removal, at least five days prior to such meeting. Any Director not so removed may continue to serve as a Director for the remainder of her/his term. Any Director removed shall leave office immediately upon an affirmative removal vote by theMembers (without the necessity of any further action) and her/his removal shall be deemed to have created a vacancy in the Board. If all Directors are being voted on for removal then the notice for the Special Membership Meeting shall specifically state the purpose of the Special Meeting, the cause for removing all Directors, that if the Membership votes to remove all Directors then at the meeting, the Membership shall immediately nominate and elect a new Board and that new Board shall hold office until the next Annual Meeting.
3.4.5: Board Vacancy
Section 3.5: Board Meetings
3.5.1: Regular and Special Meetings
I. Regular meetings of the Board (herein “Regular Board Meeting”) shall be held at such times, dates and places as from time to time shall be established by Board and noticed to all Directors.
II. A special meeting of Board (herein “Special Board Meeting”) may be called by Chairperson or Secretary upon request of not less than one-half (1/2) of the total Board (which may include Chairperson and/or Secretary). A Special Board Meeting shall be held at the time, date and place as the calling Chairperson or Secretary shall fix. Written notice, including an agenda, of the Special Board Meeting shall be given not less than three days before the meeting.
3.5.2: Quorum
At each Regular Board Meeting and Special Board Meeting, a majority of the total Board present in person or by teleconference, shall constitute a quorum for all purposes. If a quorum is not present then a majority of those Directors present (whatever their number) may adjourn the meeting to another time, date and place, without further notice or waiver thereof.
3.5.3: Teleconferences
Directors, or members of any committee, task force or work group created by the Board, may participate in a meeting by means of teleconference or similar communications equipment by means of which all persons participating in the meeting can hear and speak to each other, and such participation shall constitute presence in person at such meeting.
Section 3.6: Conduct of Board Business
- 3.6.1: Transact Business
- 3.6.2: Board Action
- 3.6.3: Unanimous Consent
- 3.6.4: Secretary Certification
- 3.6.5: Standing Authorization
3.6.1: Transact Business
At each convened meeting of the Board, the business shall be transacted in such order and manner as the Chairperson (or in their absence, Vice Chairperson or other Chair of the meeting) may determine and Secretary (or in her/his absence, a Director appointed by the Chair of the meeting) shall record minutes of the meeting. Except as required by law or provided otherwise, all matters shall be determined by an affirmative vote of Board per a Board meeting resolution (defined in Section 3.6.2). A Director may not attend a meeting or vote by proxy. The Chairperson shall be entitled to vote as a Director whether or not there is a tie vote.
3.6.2: Board Action
Except as required by law or provided otherwise in these Bylaws, the Board shall convene a meeting where a quorum has been established and shall act by resolution as follows: (i) by an affirmative of vote of more than one-half (1/2) of the number of Directors present in person and by teleconference (herein a “Board meeting resolution”), (ii) by an affirmative vote of more than one-half (1/2) of the total number of Directors on Board (herein “Board majority resolution”) or (iii) by an affirmative vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the total number of Directors on Board (herein “Board supermajority resolution”).
3.6.3: Unanimous Consent
Any action required or permitted to be taken at any meeting of the Board may be taken without a meeting if a written consent to such action is signed by all Directors and filed with the Secretary (it being understood that the transmission of an electronic mail message from a Director shall constitute a signed written consent for purposes of this paragraph).
3.6.4: Secretary Certification
3.6.5: Standing Authorization
Except as otherwise provided by the Board, all resolutions adopted by the Board shall include an authorization and direction to the Chairperson (or in their absence, Vice Chairperson) and the Head of School, acting individually, to take any and all actions (including negotiation, execution, delivery and performance of agreements, instruments and documents) as he/she or they may deem reasonably necessary or appropriate to implement such resolution. Without affecting the foregoing, the acting person(s) shall endeavor to reasonably and timely inform Board of such person(s) actions taken pursuant to this authorization and direction.
Section 3.7: Limitations on Board
No action may be taken directly or indirectly by WMS, Board, any committee of Board, any Director, any Officer or the Head of School on any of the following matters except by a Board supermajority resolution or an unanimous consent resolution:
i. A recommendation to the Membership concerning the amendment, modification, repeal or termination of WMS’s Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation.
ii. An amendment, modification, repeal or termination of these Bylaws.
iii. The establishment, maintenance, operation, financing, administration or provision of services to any other organization, entity or school; and/or
iv. Any action or transaction of any nature (whether expenditure, borrowing, contract, acquisition, disposal, transfer, settlement of claim or other) by, with, in the name of or on behalf of WMS and involving (i) an agreement, obligation or duty of WMS which cannot be fully performed within 12 months, or (ii) property of any nature (whether real, personal, intangible or other) having a book, cost or market value, whichever is greater, in excess of $7,500 per item ($25,000 in the aggregate for all items that are part of or related to the same transaction) or (iii) an amount, right, interest, liability, duty or obligation of any nature (whether past, present or future; whether real or contingent; or other) owed by or to WMS or possessed or owned by WMS having a value in excess of $7,500 per item ($25,000 in the aggregate for all items that are part of or related to same transaction) or a term or effective period in excess of 12 months.
- Section 4.0: Officers
- Section 4.1: Appointment
- Section 4.2: Tenure
- Section 4.3: Duties and Powers
Section 4.0: Officers
The officers (herein “Officer” and “Officers”) of WMS shall consist of a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson, a Treasurer, a Secretary and a Head of School. The Board may appoint other officers from time to time as needed. Each Officer shall be subject to approval, authorization, direction and oversight by Board. The Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary each must be a Director. No person may hold any two offices at the same time.
Section 4.1: Appointment
The Board shall appoint Officers no later than immediately following the Annual Membership Meeting. Terms shall be effective as of appointment unless otherwise determined by the Board. In the event for any reason, an Officer cannot fulfill his or her term, then the Board shall appoint an officer to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term of their predecessor. Each Officer shall hold their office until the next Annual Membership Meeting, they resign, they are removed by Board or Board appoints their successor.
Section 4.2: Tenure
i. An Officer may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Board, Chairperson or Secretary. Unless otherwise specified in such written notice, the resignation shall take effect upon receipt, and the acceptance of the resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective.
ii. The Board may remove any Officer whenever the Board determines such removal is in the best interests of WMS.
Section 4.3: Duties and Powers
Except as otherwise determined by the Board, Officers shall have the duties and powers respectively described in this Section, the respective duties and powers set forth in WMS Delegations (defined in Section 4.3.6 herein) and WMS Position Descriptions (defined in Section 4.3.6 herein) and such other duties and powers are commonly incident to the respective positions in independent schools within a 30-mile radius of Wilmington, Delaware.
- 4.3.1: Chairperson
- 4.3.2: Vice Chairperson
- 4.3.3: Treasurer
- 4.3.4: Secretary
- 4.3.5: Head of School
- 4.3.6: Delegations; Descriptions
4.3.1: Chairperson
The Chairperson (i) shall have general management and supervision of the affairs of WMS; (ii) when present, shall preside at all meetings of the Membership and of Board; (iii) shall have general supervision and direction of all other Officers; and (v) shall from time to time report to Board on the operations and affairs of WMS. Except as provided otherwise by the Board, the Chairperson shall have such duties and unless otherwise directed by the Board, the Chairperson shall have power to vote and otherwise act on behalf of WMS, in person or by proxy, at any meeting of stockholders or owners of or with respect to any action of stockholders or owners of any other entity in which WMS may hold securities and otherwise to exercise any and all rights and powers which WMS may possess by reason of its ownership interest in such other entity.
4.3.2: Vice Chairperson
4.3.3: Treasurer
The Treasurer shall have the duties and powers for collection, custody, disbursement and investment of all funds, monies and securities of WMS; oversee accounting, auditing, financial and tax policies, procedures, records and reports; report monthly to Board on the financial condition of WMS at each Regular Board Meeting.
4.3.4: Secretary
The Secretary shall have duties and powers to issue all authorized notices for, and shall keep minutes of, all meetings of the Membership and of the Board, to serve as the parliamentarian and sergeant at arms at such meetings, to be custodian of the corporate records and corporate seal of WMS and to attest to the execution of all contracts and other instruments authorized by Board.
4.3.5: Head of School
The Board shall select, hire and manage a Head of School (herein the “Head of School”), who shall be an Officer and a non-voting, ex-officio member of Board. The Head of School shall have, exercise and perform such authorities, duties, powers and responsibilities as determined from time to time by Board, including authorities described in Appendix 2 of the Board of Delegations Policy.
4.3.6: Delegations; Descriptions
Any Officer may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Board, the Chairperson and the Secretary. Unless otherwise specified in such written notice, the resignation shall take effect upon receipt thereof by the Secretary, and the acceptance of the resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective. The Board may remove any Officer from her/his office whenever the Board determines such removal is in the best interests of WMS. If for any reason (including without limitation death, incapacity, removal and resignation) a vacancy occurs on the Board, the Board may fill such vacancy or reduce the size of the Board (but not below seven Directors).
Unless otherwise directed by the Board, the Chairperson shall have power to vote and otherwise act on behalf of WMS, in person or by proxy, at any meeting of stockholders or owners of or with respect to any action of stockholders or owners of any other entity in which WMS may hold securities and otherwise to exercise any and all rights and powers which WMS may possess by reason of its ownership interest in such other entity.
- Section 5.0: Indemnity
- Section 5.1: Expenses
- Section 5.2: Claims
- Section 5.3: Non-Exclusive
- Section 5.4: Insurance
Section 5.0: Indemnity
Every person who was or is a party or threatened to be made a party to or is or threatened to become involved in any action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative, by reason of the fact that they or a person of whom they are the legal representative is or was a Director or Officer of WMS or is or was serving at the request of WMS as a Director, director or officer of another entity, or as its representative in a partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, whether the basis of such action, suit or proceeding is alleged action in an official capacity as a Director, officer or representative or in any other capacity while serving as a Director, officer or representative, shall be indemnified and held harmless by WMS to the fullest extent authorized by the Delaware General Corporation Law, as the same exists or may hereafter be amended, against all expenses, liability and loss (including attorneys’ fees, judgments, fines and amounts paid or to be paid in settlement) reasonably incurred or suffered by him/her in connection therewith. Such right shall be a contract right and shall include the right to be reimbursed by WMS for expenses incurred.
Section 5.1: Expenses
Expenses incurred by a Director or Officer in defending a civil or criminal action, suit or proceeding shall be reimbursed by WMS in advance of the final disposition of such action, suit or proceeding upon the receipt of an undertaking by or on behalf of such Director or Officer to repay such amount if it shall ultimately be determined that they are not entitled to be indemnified by WMS as authorized in Section 145 of the Delaware General Corporation Law. Such expenses incurred by other employees and agents may be so reimbursed upon such terms and conditions, if any, as the Board deems appropriate.
Section 5.2: Claims
If a claim has been made or paid by or on behalf of a Director or Officer and the claimant believes such claim is entitled to reimbursement from WMS under this Article and within 90 days after the written claim has been received by WMS, WMS has not made reimbursement in full then at any time thereafter, the claimant may bring suit against WMS to recover the unreimbursed amount of the claim and if successful in whole or in part, the claimant shall be entitled to be reimbursed also the expense of prosecuting such claim. It shall be a defense to any such action (other than an action brought to enforce a claim for expenses incurred in defending any action, suit or proceeding in advance of its final disposition where the required undertaking has been tendered to WMS) that the claimant has not met the standards of conduct which make it permissible under the Delaware General Corporation Law for WMS to indemnify the claimant for the amount claimed, but the burden of proving such defense shall be on WMS. Neither the failure of WMS (including its Board, independent legal counsel, or its members) to have made a determination that the claimant met the applicable standard of conduct set forth in the Delaware General Corporation Law, nor an actual determination by WMS (including its Board, independent legal counsel, or its members) that the claimant has not met such applicable standard of conduct shall be a defense to the action or create a presumption that claimant had not met the applicable standard of conduct
Section 5.3: Non-Exclusive
Section 5.4: Insurance
- Section 6.0: Notices
- Section 6.1: Notice Waivers
- Section 6.2: Electronic Signatures
- Section 6.3: Corporate Seal
- Section 6.4: Reports and Records
- Section 6.5: Checks, etc.
- Section 6.6: Fiscal Year
- Section 6.7: Time Periods
- Section 6.8: Registered Office
- Section 6.9: Principal Office
- Section 6.10: Rules
Section 6.0: Notices
Except as otherwise provided herein, whenever written notice is required to be given to any Member, Director or Officer, the notice shall be delivered (i) in person or by hand delivery, (ii) by posted notice at WMS’s principal office, (iii) by mail with prepaid postage thereon, or (iv) by electronic communication (e.g. email, fax, text message or other). The written notice shall be delivered to the relevant address (e.g., street address, email address, fax phone number, text message phone number or other) for communications as such address appears in WMS’s records. Written notices sent by mail shall be deemed to be delivered when properly addressed, postage prepaid and given to the United States Postal Service. The time when the written notice is dispatched shall be the time of the giving of the notice.
Section 6.1: Notice Waivers
A written waiver of any notice, signed by a Member, Director, Officer or agent, whether before or after the time of the event for which notice is to be given, shall be deemed equivalent to the notice required to be given to such Member, Director, Officer or agent. Neither the business nor the purpose of any meeting need be specified in such a waiver
Section 6.2: Electronic Signatures
Section 6.3: Corporate Seal
Section 6.4: Reports and Records
Each Director, each member of any committee designated by Board, and each Officer acting in the performance of their duties, shall be fully protected in relying in good faith upon WMS’s books and records and the advice, information, opinions, presentations, recommendations and reports provided by any Officer, WMS staff or designated consultants or experts (e.g., accountants, attorneys and others).
Section 6.5: Checks, etc.
All checks, drafts or orders for the payment of money, notes or other evidence of indebtedness issued in the name of WMS shall be signed by any two person(s) as authorized from time to time by the Board to do so. All funds of WMS shall be deposited to accounts of WMS maintained at such financial institutions as Board may approve. Board may accept on behalf of WMS any contribution, gift, bequest or devise for the general purposes or for any special purpose of WMS.
Section 6.6: Fiscal Year
Section 6.7: Time Periods
Section 6.8: Registered Office
Section 6.9: Principal Office
Section 6.10: Rules
In construing, reading and interpreting provisions of these Bylaws, the following shall be applicable unless the context and plain meaning of the provision in question clearly indicates otherwise: (i) the Article, Section and sub-Section headings are for the convenience of the reader and do not restrict any provision of an Article, Section and/or sub-Section, (ii) the provisions of these Bylaws shall be read together so as to give the fullest effect to each provision under applicable Delaware law, (iii) the singular tense of a term or word shall include the plural and vice versa, (iv) the feminine tense of a term or word shall in include the masculine tense and vice versa, and (v) the word “include” and derivations thereof shall mean including without limitation.