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Alumni profiles

class of 2021

On Tuesday, June 8, Wilmington Montessori School proudly celebrated the Class of 2021 - Maya ConnellyCooper GilesEverett GilesTomasz SaarloosAnand Simon and Asad Sultan - the school's third class of eighth-grade graduates.

In a year when we spent more time than ever exploring our campus, it was fitting that we held our graduation ceremony outdoors. Last year, our graduates and their families attended the Class of 2020's graduation ceremony via Zoom. This year, we were thrilled to be able to hold a small in-person gathering.

Head of School Lisa Lalama began the ceremony by reflecting on the graduates' long history at WMS:

"The six of you have come to us through various times in your lives - some as babies and toddlers and others in elementary school," she said. "You have grown up with true Montessori experiences - from the pink tower to the red rods, the checkerboard, squaring materials, fraction skittles, grammar materials, Great Lessons and so much more."

She went on to speak about the Montessori philosophy and how it shapes the learning process at WMS over the years, continuing into middle school.

"[Dr. Montessori] understood how we learn, what we needed to build our learning experiences, and that each of us is different in how we learn and what experiences we need to build the knowledge that helps us learn and grow. She understood that we are individuals - not a group of children who must do everything in the same way at the same time simply because of the year we were born and the grade we are in! That is how traditional education approaches ‘school.’ She designed school for learning, and you were fortunate enough to spend your time at WMS learning in the best ways possible - through the Montessori pedagogy and philosophy."

Watch the rest of Lisa's speech, along with the full 2021 graduation ceremony including a speech by Michael Jones, WMS class of 2012) below or read more about it here.